Friday, February 21, 2014

My latest learning aid - Learn how to read the tarot by Sylvia Abraham

Today I got a book that shows the simplest way to learn tarot reading. The book is called “Learn how to read the Tarot” by Slyvia Abraham. I love it already, for its easy explanation style and to the point content.

Learn how to read the Tarot - Sylvia Abraham

I’m going to go slow with using this book to guide me. It advises to meditate on the major arcana cards to know their deeper meanings. I’ve mentioned how I am about meditation, so I flipped over to chapter two which gives key words and descriptions of each suit. I didn’t have to memorize this part.
Key Words -
Wands – Work and social activities
Cups – Love and emotions
Pentacles – Money and health
Swords – Problems and troubles
Right off the bat, I took a liking to all ‘Cups’ cards and ‘Pentacles’. Cups seem to symbolize giving, flowing, generosity, ease, affection..It is just the feeling I got from looking at the Ace of Cups card and the single cup. My next favorite, the Pentacles remind me of shiny coins. Yes!! Money!! Wealth! And I was delighted to know from this book and from many other sources on the internet (far too many to name) that Pentacles do in fact symbolize wealth and health.
If I look at any card from the Wands suit, it reminds me of the stick cowherds or shepherds would use to mind their herds. It looks like WORK. The name ‘wands’ should ideally bring to mind something to do with magic. But the wands depicted on Tarot cards look like worn out wooden staffs. I was right in my interpretation, according to this book.
My least favorite is any card from the ‘Swords’ suit. I just do not like them much. Swords cut. Injure. They imply treachery, hurt and unhappiness to my mind. Suddenly I am reminded of a Charlie Chaplin quote that you only need force to do something destructive. For everything else, love is enough. Similarly, I would only use a sword towards violent and unhappy ends. This lovely book states that the key words for Swords are ‘problems and troubles’. How apt.
Today I also learnt that various zodiac signs are associated with each suit of cards. At present I do not know what purpose this knowledge will serve me. But I am going to remember the associations anyway. No knowledge ever goes waste afterall.
Suits and related Zodiac Signs:
Wands: Aries, Leo, Saggitarius
Cups: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Pentacles: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
Swords: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
I have had to memorize this bit. I was not very happy to memorize stuff. The last time I really ‘studies’ in this was when I was in school. Unhappy associations with mugging – exam time! But I feel in time, my method of a little learning by rote alongwith learning by tuning into my feelings, intuition and perception will benefit me in the long run. I am very eager to learn more soon!

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