Sunday, February 9, 2014

Card - Four of Swords

The Four of Swords card is a card from the Minor Arcana. Unlike the cards of the Major Arcana, it is not easy to understand what the cards in the Minor Arcana stand for at a glance. So when I pulled this card out of the deck, alongwith my method of deciphering the meaning of the card, I referred to various resources online as well as the booklet I have. 

Four of Swords

Card Description: A person lying on what seems to be a bed or platform situated in what seems to be a holy place due to the picture depicted on the wall. I read later that the person is resting on a tomb.

Looking at the person resting peacefully with folded hands, it feels as though he is taking time out to rest after a struggle or to clear his head. Just like I would lie down, close my eyes and concentrate on my breath to calm myself down on a tiring day. It helps me clear the chaos in my mind. This person will also be able to shake off his physical and/or mental exhaustion and emerge rejuvenated to face situations in life with a renewed energy.

This card seems to signify the need to take time out for oneself to just slow down and catch ones's breath.  Rest, pray, meditate and contemplate. The swords seem to depict worry. Three of  the swords are upright. One is laid right beside the person resting on the tomb. It seems challenges and worries will still be there in life when you return from your short break of resting. You will still have to pick up the sword and continue fighting. But you will be energized in your soul, mind and body from having taken time out to rest. Your mind will be clearer. You will have clarity about what you want to do.

This card symbolizes that a period of rest and relaxation is necessary.

Reversed, it seems as if the three swords could actually harm the person shown on the card. Perhaps it signifies an overworked person who may be close to burn out. The person has been spending too much energy and now life is literally pushing him aside to get out of the chaos for a while. You may be feeling isolated, defeated or just plain exhausted. It is now necessary to slow down and rest. Build up your energy, clear the clutter in your mind and let go of old thinking patterns.

It often happens that when we push ourselves to hard, our body protests in its own way. Sometimes by way of some illness that will force you to slow down and take rest so that you may heal.

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