These are
the key words associated with each card of the Major Arcana, drawn reversed.
Again, my references are Sylvia Abraham’s wonderful book ‘Learn How to Read The Tarot’ and Liz Dean’s simple,
easy to understand book The Art of Tarot. It is sufficient to remember one key
word related to each card.
Continue to
spend time studying each card and noting down the first words that come to
mind. This helps to connect to your deck in a better way. What you learn like
this will stay with you forever. For more insight it is a good practise to
cross check your understanding of each card with knowledge given by experienced
Tarot experts in their books.
Zero – The Fool – Everyone
Reversed card means - Foolish desires or aspirations,
unwise impulsive actions, ignorance, irresponsible behavior, pleasure seeker,
sexual focus
One – The Magician - “I will”. For example, “I will not have new
beginnings in my career yet”
Reversed card means - Stagnation, boredom, lack of
excitement and self confidence, egotistical nature, rigid mindset,
incompetence, imbalance
Two – The High Priestess – ‘I know’
Reversed card means
- Selfishness, overly emotional, fearful, under illusion, superficial,
closed mind, unskilled
Three – The Empress – “I make” For example, “I do not make
my work circumstances and social activities”
Reversed card means - Unhappiness. Infertile. Unloving,
selfish, dull. Unforgiving. Lacking talent. Stagnant.
Four – The Emperor – “I realize”
Reversed card means - Lacking authority. Impulsive,
immature and inexperienced. Dishonest, unstable. Lack of growth and energy.
Five – The Heirophant -
“I believe”
Reversed card means - Dogmatic. Intolerant and
unforgiving. Bored. Self doubt. Materialistic, fearful.
Six – The Lovers – “I choose”
Reversed card means - Infidelity, indecision, sexual
drive, dishonesty. Frustration. Irresponsibility
Seven – The Chariot – “The Path”
Reversed card means - Superstitious. Overconfident.
Lacking direction. Ignorance. Imbalance.
Eight – Strength
Reversed card means - Egotism. Deceit. Cowardice.
Ruthlessness. Fithlessness. Lethargic.
Nine – The Hermit – meaning Wisdom through
Reversed card means - Immature. Uninspired. Dogmatic.
Health issues. Prejudiced, inexperienced.
Ten – The Wheel of Fortune – meaning Changes and Cycles.
Reversed card means - Stagnation. Gambling. Guilt.
Focus on the physical. Fear of change, limited understanding. Stagnation.
Eleven – Justice
Reversed card means
- Imbalance, paranoia, rebellion, hasty decisions, dishonesty
Twelve – The Hanged Man – meaning Sacrifice, Reversal.
Reversed card means - Fantasy, indecision, guilt, fear,
indiscipline, escapism. Foolish decisions
Thirteen – Death – meaning Transformation
Reversed card means - Decay, sexuality, mortality,
ignorance, resentment, inaction, materialism
Fourteen – Temperance – indicates Moderation, Tests and
Reversed card means
Disharmony, ignorance, wanderlust, imbalance, intolerance
Fifteen – The Devil – indicates Materialism and
Reversed card means Greed, waste of energy, bondage,
desires, irresponsible, temptation, manipulation
Sixteen – The Tower – indicating Catastrophe
Reversed card means
- Impulsive. Selfishness, anger, strife, inactivity.
Seventeen – The Star – indicates Discovery, Aspiration
Reversed card means - Doubts, unstable attitude,
ambitionless, pessimistic. Loneliness.
Eighteen – The Moon – means Attainment
Reversed card means Deception, impatience, unwise
decisions and desires, Treachery, intolerance
Nineteen – The Sun – Shows Renewal
Reversed card means - Wasted talents and efforts. Low
self esteem. Low expectations. Lacking energy. Poor judgement.
Twenty – Judgement – Awareness
Reversed card means Lack of trust or faith. Fear,
guilt, mortality, confusion
Twenty One – The World – Cosmic Consciousness
Reversed card means Anxiety. Stubborn, closed mind.
Mistrust. Limitations
Note: I noticed that the card numbers of the Justice card and the Strength card are different and interchanged in Liz Dean's book and Sylvia Abraham's book. I wouldnt stress too much about this as I have decided to go by the Rider Waite Tarot Deck in which Strength is card number 8 and Justice is card number 11. Different decks will have many differences, which is why, to learn Tarot reading as a whole it is important to be able to accept knowledge and be flexible about learning new things.